Essay Samples on White Noise

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

The Fleet from Death in DeLillo's Novel, White Noise

In the novel, White Noise, Don DeLillo, the author, leads us on a journey that follows the life of Jack, a chairman of Hitler Studies, and his wife Babette, who eventually shares the same fear of death as her husband. Throughout, the novel Babette makes...

The Range and Diversity of Characters in White Noise

Don Delillo's White Noise has a plethora of character's in the short novel that are dynamic and static. We are introduced to the main character Jack Glady and his family who are major characters and drive the story forward. They are all of varying degrees...

Don DeLillo's View on Postmodernism in His Literary Works

DeLillo’s fiction describes the elements of both modernism and postmodernism. He has given the primary influences on his literary work and development, which is abstract expressionism, foreign films, and jazz. Many of his novels explore postmodern themes: rampant consumerism, novelty intellectualism, the disintegration and re-integration...

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