The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser both display different patterns of social and political interaction. The Jungle is an intense, emotional story of the journey of a poor Lithuanian family who moved to Chicago for a chance at a...
Muckraker Upton Sinclair was born in Baltimore in 1878 to an old Virginian family. The Civil War had mostly cleared out the family's riches and land property leaving them in a lower socioeconomic class standing. Because of this, Sinclair's dad turned into a voyaging alcohol...
Merriam-Webster defines muckrake as: “to search out and publicly expose real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual business,” an example of a muckraker would be Upton Sinclair. Upton Beall Sinclair was a “prolific” American novelist that exposed the meat-packing industry through his work, The...
The Jungle (1906) by Upton Sinclair is a vivid and brutal representation of the meatpacking and slaughtering industry in the early 1900s. If you have ever seen a horror movie, you perhaps know what takes place after the killer finds a victim. There are screams,...
Upton Sinclair wrote the book “The Jungle” published in 1906, to expose the poor working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His book surprised the public and led to new federal food safety laws. It was also an important part of the Progressive Era. The Jungle...
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Upton Sinclair was born on September 20th 1878. He was exposed to dichotomies that had greatly affected his young mind. He was an only child of a father who sold liquor and a puritanical strong willed mother. He was raised in poverty and when he...
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair started a lot of change in America in the early 1900’s. The book did a great job highlighting the issues at the time. Not only did it focus on the struggles of being a new immigrant in the United States,...
In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, Sinclair expounded the realistic experience of an immigrant trying to live the American Dream. Sinclair revealed the harsh and grueling life of immigrants trying to provide the basics of life on a day to day basis. The immigrants lived a...
Hillary Clinton once said, “We are a country where people of all backgrounds, all nations of origin, all languages, all religions, all races, can make a home. America was built by immigrants.” In the novel, The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair, Jurgis and his family...