Last week, best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert announced she would be indefinitely postponing the release of her upcoming novel The Snow Forest amid backlash over the book's Russian setting. The fictional story, set in Siberia in the 1930s, follows a family attempting to resist the Soviet...
Julie Garwood was a beloved author of historical and contemporary romance novels who passed away in 2023 at the age of 78. Though she is no longer with us, her stories continue to delight readers around the world. Early Life and Career Born in Kansas...
News broke this week that acclaimed American novelist Cormac McCarthy had passed away at the age of 90. McCarthy's death signifies the loss of one of the most influential writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Though the famously reclusive author shied away...
Author Carol Higgins Clark passed away on June 12, 2023 at the age of 66 after a battle with appendix cancer. Though gone too soon, Clark leaves behind an admirable legacy as a prolific mystery novelist and actress. She was best known for her Regan...
The Legacy of Judy Blume In the realm of children's and young adult literature, few authors are as venerated and renowned as Judy Blume. Her literary gems such as "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret", "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing", and "Blubber" continue...
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Rachel Cruze is a prominent personal finance expert, author, and speaker known for her practical and relatable approach to money management. As the daughter of renowned financial guru Dave Ramsey, Rachel has built her own reputation as a trusted voice in the field of personal...
Was your marriage after you said “I do” different ? Was it the opposite of what you were expecting it to be ? Kate Chopin in the passage of 'The Story Of An Hour' is expressing that marriage is not as beautiful as people make...
In his article about scientific research, John Barry employs many rhetorical strategies to characterize scientific research as an application that requires strength and passion. Barry begins with a stark contrast between certainty and uncertainty. By stating these next to each other using the same syntactical...